Wenzhuo Tang’s Homepage
I am a third year Ph.D. student in Computer Science and Engineering and Statistics and Probability at Michigan State University, advised by Prof. Jiliang Tang and Prof. Yuying Xie. I revieved my B.S. in Statistics at University of Science and Technology of China. My current researches focus on generative models, graph neural networks and their applications in single-cell analysis.
- [06/2024] One work (SpatialCTD) got accepted by Journal of Computational Biology!
- [05/2024] One work (GFM) got accepted by ICML’24 as Spotlight!
- [02/2024] One work (DANCE package) got accepted by Genome Biology!
- [01/2024] One work (CellPLM) got accepted by ICLR’24!
- [12/2023] Our survey paper Deep Learning in Single-Cell Analysis got accepted by ACM TIST!
- [10/2023] Glad to serve as a session chair at CIKM’23!
- [08/2023] One work (scMoFormer) got accepted by CIKM’23!
- [11/2022] Our team DANCE won a Silver Medel (rank 24 / 1221) in a Kaggle single-cell competition!
- [10/2022] Our DANCE package is pre-released!
- [09/2022] Passed comprehensive examinations in Statistics as the first place!